Board Meeting Highlights

August 26, 2019

Complete meeting packet

Board Reports

1. Facility Development Committee – The Facilities Development Committee discussed bids for renovation of the Harper Elementary Kindergarten space and potentially including HVAC work into the scope of the project. The Committee discussed Phase 2 of the Highcrest Garden project; Lacota group has been selected to manage the project based on their relationships with community volunteers and students. The Committee will meet about Phase 3 of the project in the near future.

2. School Finance – The School Finance Committee meet during the most recent Board Committee of the Whole Meeting. The Committee discussed District property tax policy, budget, financial items and annual tax compliance. The Committee also discussed in detail a new requirement to report on site-based spending.

3. Strategy Committee – The Strategy Committee discussed the District’s strategic initiatives including the culture of inclusion strategic initiative, the individualized learning strategic initiative and the change in assessments shown on report cards.

4. Legislative Update – During the Triple-I Joint Annual Conference in November, the Illinois Association of School Boards will present a resolution for school board to consider.

Informational Items

1. Transition Plan – Dr. Cremascoli announced that she has completed the first phase of her Superintendent Transition Plan.

2. Opening Days – Dr. Cremascoli outlined the opening day training and orientation agendas for new faculty, teachers and staff.

3. Summer Construction Update – Dr. Cremascoli noted that summer construction at Highcrest Middle School included a Library/Media Technology Center addition and a special education classroom renovation. The tech center will be finished before winter break and the special education classroom will be ready for the start of the school year. A three-classroom addition and renovation at Harper Elementary School is in progress with an estimated completion date of August 2020.

4. School Culture – Dr. Cremascoli discussed the District’s effort to develop and refine plans to build a culture of connected and engaged students and staff.

5. Commitment to Safety and Security – Dr. Cremascoli noted that the District has reviewed safety and crisis protocols, strengthened security measures at schools and reviewed practices to support safe schools.

6. Freedom of Information Act Requests – Dr. Cremascoli noted that the District received several FOIA requests related to a variety of topics including floor schematics, transportation contracts, bid packages and purchasing records.

7. Strategic Plan Update – Dr. Cremascoli noted that District administrators reviewed the recommendations presented to the Superintendent as part of the Community Review Committee’s report on mobile learning in Grades K-4. The recommendations were accepted and will be incorporated in the 2019-2020 Strategic Plan presented to the Board in September.

8. Enrollment Update – Overall enrollment has decreased slightly since the 2018-2019 school year. However, since May, an additional section of PM Kindergarten has been added at Harper, McKenzie and Romona. An additional first grade section was added at Romona and a second grade classroom section was added at McKenzie.

9. Annual Tax Compliance Notification – The District’s Business Manager has reviewed the District’s contracts and records to determine that the Tax Advantage Obligations comply with federal tax requirements.

10. Fiscal Year 2019 Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report – The District has released the required annual report detailing the salary and benefits of D39 administrators and teachers. The information has been posted to the District website.

11. Annual Review of Serious Safety Hazard Findings – District 39 has conducted its annual review of Safety Hazard Findings approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

12. Board Policy Review – Several board Section 5 and Section 8 policies will be reviewed by the Board of Education this year. These policies were last reviewed in 2015, however Dr. Cremascoli said the policies do not appear to require significant revisions due to legal requirements or changes in practice.

Action Items

1. Consent Agenda – The Consent Agenda was approved including the following items:
· Approval of the Personnel Report
· Approve the Annual Review of Serious Safety Hazard Findings
· Approve as First Read Board of Education Policies 5:10, 5:20, 5:30, 5:35, 5:40, 5:60, 5:70, 5:80, 5:90 and 5:100
· Approve the bills for payment including Accounts Payable for July 2019Accounts Payable for August 2019Manual Checks for July 2019 and Manual Checks for August 2019

2. Adopt Annual Budgets – The Board adopted the Fiscal Year 2020 District 39 Annual Budget and the Fiscal Year 2020 Wilmette Community Special Education Agreement (WCSEA) Annual Budget.

3. Approve the Resolution Authorizing a Permanent Interfund Transfer – After holding a public hearing prior to the regular meeting, the Board approved a resolution authorizing the transfer of funds from the educational fund to the operations and maintenance fund.

Conference Items

Old Business – None.

New Business – Mr. Stein discussed the concept of revenue recapture and how it relates to District tax revenue in relation to tax refunds. The Board discussed a potential resolution related to recapture funding which could be presented to the Illinois Association of School Boards for review. The idea will be brought to the board’s next committee of the whole meeting.

Good and Welfare – Mrs. Sternweiler noted that she is pleased to hear stories of students excited to return to school. Mr. Stein encouraged board members and the community to attend an upcoming seminar at New Trier Township High School. Dr. Cremascoli thanked administrators and staff for the preparation that went into Opening Week and the beginning of the school year.

The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday, September 23, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.