Board Meeting Highlights - October 2015
Below are highlights from the District 39 Board of Education meeting on October 26, 2015.
Board Committee Reports
Facility Development
Frank Panzica reported – Discussion included Romona addition, construction is on schedule; updated budget for Harper and WJHS learning commons projects; developing quotes for sustainability audit. November meeting cancelled.
Frank Panzica reported – Good progress on goals, which include identifying qualities of good CRC reports and how CRC can best serve D39. Finalizing rubric to evaluate prior reports. Next meeting is Monday, November 2nd at 7:00 pm.
Educational Foundation
Frank Panzica reported – Recent fashion show and bingo night were both successful and exceeded fundraising expectations. Annual fund drive is underway. Science Olympiad registration is underway with almost 200 students enrolled already. Deadline is extended and more classes may be opened. Next meeting is December 2nd at 7:00 pm.
School Finance
John Flanagin reported – Topics discussed covered in information items (below) including Summer Enrichment Program fees, capital projects at WJHS and Harper, and the 2015 tentative levy. Next meeting is Monday, November 9th at 8:00 am.
Written Communication
Announcements from the Superintendent
Kindergarten follow-up
- Registration will happen earlier this year – Principals are planning two days and one evening in mid-January for parents to bring required enrollment documents to their school. Kindergarten lottery in either late January or early February. This will help families planning for enrollment in private enrichment programs.
- KIDS - Dr. Lechner spoke before the Education Committee of the Illinois House of Representatives last week. D39 has an ongoing request for a waiver for the State mandate to add onerous testing for kindergarteners. District 39 has a well-established assessment practice in place; he will make one last plea to the Illinois Senate before a final decision is made.
FOIA Request
Information items
- Dr. Glowacki – Student Growth – Action Research – Beginning in the fall of 2016, the Illinois Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) requires all Illinois schools to have Student Growth plans in place. The D39 PERA Joint Committee has begun a process for deciding how student growth will be measured in District 39. Ann Cummins Bogan, from the Consortium for Educational Change, presented.
- Mrs. Littmann, Mrs. Ungar, and Ms. Kolod – Learning Commons Update – A comprehensive overview of planning, implementation, and usage of the new Learning Commons at Central was presented, including a short video. Three students shared projects they had created in the new space. D39 can learn from this experience before moving forward implementing new spaces at other schools.
- Dr. Thrasher, Mrs. Horowitz, Mrs. Flemming – 2015 Fall Assessment Update - The 2015 PARCC results are now expected in December. This report covered only Performance Series results and included winter scores for grades 3-8. Mid-year scores indicate that student growth progressed toward appropriate levels in math and reading. With the reduction in the spring PARCC testing, Performance Series will return in the spring.
- Dr. Thrasher - Fall Housing Report - The yearly Fall Housing Report and Fall Enrollment Reports show an increase with 3732 students. This is a high going back to fall of 2000. Enrolment projections will be presented next month.
- Ms. Buscemi – 2015 Estimate of Levy and Hearing Announcement - The Board adopts an estimated Levy for 2015 and sets a Public Hearing scheduled for December 14th. The proposed Levy represents a total increase for all funds of 2.69% over last years levy.
- Dr. Lechner – 2015-2016 Superintendent/District Goals - The Superintendent’s goals are an extension of the Strategic Plan adopted last month. They address student assessment, sustainability, technology infusion & infrastructure, non-cognitive factors from the CRC report, student growth model, a review of the 5-8 student schedule, and long–term facility planning. More detail on these goals will be included in the School Implementation Plan.
- Ms. Buscemi – 2016 Summer Enrichment Program Fee Schedule - Based on feedback at last month’s Board meeting, the recommendation is for fees to remain the same with two exceptions - a lower fee for BASIC classes and an increase in student transportation.
Board Action
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
- Personnel Report dated October 26, 2015
- Resolution regarding estimated amounts to be levied for tax year 2015 and publication of public hearing
- 2015-2016 Superintendent/District Goals
- 2016 Summer Enrichment Program Fee Schedule
- Support Staff Union Letter of Agreement
- First Reading Revised Board of Education Policies 2:20; 2:30; 2:40; and 2:70
- Release to the Public Executive Session Minutes
- Dispose of Executive Session audio recordings
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday,
November 16, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center