Board Committee Reports
- WCSEA – Tracy Kearney reported – Committee approved 2017 Fiscal Year Budget and budget calendar. Next meeting is May 23 4:00 at Marie Murphy School.
- School Finance – John Flanagin reported – Committee reviewed the tentative Non-Operating Funds Budget for Fiscal Year 2017. The legal fees related to property tax appeals and building rental issues were discussed. Next meeting is Monday, April 11 at 8:00 am.
Legislative Update - Kimberly Alcantara
No significant developments in Springfield. Senate President Cullerton indicated there would be no education budget without education funding reform. He requested a district-by-district breakdown of Governor Rauner’s funding plan. Senate Bill 2789 was discussed in committee; this bill would give the Governor board authority with respect to funds and spending cuts.
Written Communication
Announcements from the Superintendent
- With the upcoming retirement of Melanie Horowitz. D39 Curriculum Coordinator, Katie Lee has been named the Interim Administrator for Curriculum and Instruction for next school year. In her 24 years with District 39, Katie has taught at Romona, Highcrest, and WJHS before moving to the MEC as Curriculum Coordinator in 2012, where she has been instrumental in several curriculum reviews. She is pursuing a doctorate in education policy, organization, and leadership at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
- The technology infrastructure work is well underway. Highcrest is essentially complete, and attention is now focused on K-4 schools. Cabling at the elementary schools is being done to ensure that rooms needed for PARCC testing are finished first. Final work is scheduled to continue into May.
- Plans are in place for the second year of the state PARCC assessment. The testing application has been loaded on to all iPads, laptops, and desktops. PARCC infrastructure trials were held at WJHS and HMS to test the app and the network. Similar trials will take place at each of the elementary schools. D39’s PARCC testing will begin at WJHS on April 11th.
- This year, D39 has been conducting a sustainability audit with the help of WOLD Architects. The audit is based on the three pillars: 1) reducing environmental impact and costs, 2) health and wellness, and 3) curriculum. The April meeting will include a report.
FOIA requests
Strategic Plan Updates
- Mrs. Horowitz, Ms. Lee, and Mrs. Flemming – State of Curriculum and Instruction Department - With an upcoming transition in the department, this report highlights the status of curriculum reviews as well as other responsibilities held by the department.
- Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Dillard, Mr. Dubnow, Mrs. Naumozicz, Mr. Resis, and Mr. DeMonte, and HMS and WJHS teachers and students – Grades 5-8 iPad Program - This report provides a mid-year update on grades 6-8 and the plan to incorporate 5th grade next year.
Annual Business
- Ms. Buscemi – Fiscal Year 2017 Non-Operating Funds Tentative Budget – This is the beginning of the Fiscal Year 2017 budget cycle. The non-operating funds include debt service, capital projects, and life safety.
Board Action
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
- Personnel Report dated March 14, 2016
- WCSEA Articles of Agreement Amendment
- 2016-2017 Interim Curriculum and Instruction Administrator Contract
- Resolution Authorizing the Honorable dismissal of Teachers due to Reduction in Force
- Resolution Authorizing Non-Renewal of Probationary Teachers not in their Final Year
- Resolution Authorizing Dismissal of a Fourth Year Non-Tenured Teacher
- First Reading Revised Board of Education Policies 2:150; 2:151; 2:200; 2:220 and 2:230
- Second and Final Reading Revised Board of Education Policies 2:00; 2:10; 2:125; 2:130 and 2:140
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday