Policy 7:260
Exemption from Physical Education
In order to be excused from participation in physical education, a student must present an appropriate excuse from their parent/guardian or from a person licensed under the Medical Practice Act. The excuse may be based on medical or religious prohibitions. An excuse because of medical reasons must include a signed statement from a person licensed under the Medical Practice Act that corroborates the medical reason for the request. An excuse based on religious reasons must include a signed statement from a member of the clergy that corroborates the religious reason for the request. Upon written notice from a student’s parent/guardian, to the student’s school principal or designee, a student will be excused from engaging in the physical activity components of physical education during a period of religious fasting.
Special activities in physical education will be provided for students whose physical or emotional condition, as determined by a person licensed under the Medical Practice Act, prevents their participation in the physical education courses.
State law prohibits the Board from honoring parental excuses based upon a student’s participation in athletic training, activities, or competitions conducted outside the auspices of the School District.
A student who is eligible for special education may be excused from physical education courses in either of the following situations:
- The student (a) is in grades 3-8, (b) the student’s IEP requires that special education support and services be provided during physical education time, and (c) the parent/guardian agrees or the IEP team makes the determination; or
- The student (a) has an IEP, (b) is participating in an adaptive athletic program outside of the school setting, and (c) the parent/guardian documents the student’s participation as required by the Superintendent or designee.
A student requiring adapted physical education must receive that service in accordance with the student’s Individualized Educational Program/Plan (IEP).
The superintendent or designee shall maintain records showing that the criteria set forth in this policy were applied to the student’s individual circumstances, as appropriate.
Students who have been excused from physical education shall return to the course as soon as practical. The following considerations will be used to determine when a student shall return to a physical education course:
- The time of year when the student’s participation ceases; and
- The student’s class schedule.
Adopted: September 20, 2010
Revised: March 20, 2017; April 25, 2022