Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal and Assistant Principal
Duties and Authority
The School Board, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, employs Building Principals as the chief administrators and instructional leaders of their assigned schools, and may employ Assistant Principals. The primary responsibility of a Building Principal is the improvement of instruction. Each Building Principal shall perform all duties as described in state law, as well as such other duties as specified in their employment agreement, or as the Superintendent may assign, that are consistent with the Building Principal’s education and training. Each Building Principal and Assistant Principal shall complete State law requirements to be a prequalified evaluator before conducting an evaluation of a teacher or assistant principal.
Evaluation Plan
The Superintendent or designee shall implement an evaluation plan for Principals and Assistant Principals that complies with Section 24A-15 of the School Code and relevant Illinois State Board of Education rules. Using that plan, the Superintendent or designee shall evaluate each Building Principal and Assistant Principal.
Qualifications and Other Terms and Conditions of Employment
Qualifications and other terms and conditions of employment are found in Board policy 3:50, Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent.
Adopted: December 13, 2004
Revised: January 27, 2014; September 24, 2018; February 28, 2022
Reviewed: June 12, 2023