Dear District 39 Community,
In light of the latest news and guidance from public health officials related to COVID-19 and in consideration of the safety of our school community, District 39 is canceling school tomorrow, Friday, March 13, 2020. District 39 will implement our e-Learning procedures beginning on Monday, March 16, 2020 and continue through at least March 20, 2020, the beginning of spring break.
While there are no confirmed COVID-19 cases in District 39, we are shifting to our e-Learning plan out of an abundance of caution. Our school buildings will be closed to students beginning Friday, March 13. All activities and events are canceled until further notice.
Remote Learning
We are implementing our e-Learning plans starting Monday, March 16 in an effort to maintain continuity of instruction and offer some consistency to our students. You will receive a letter from your child’s principal regarding e-Learning tomorrow, Friday, March 13. Teachers will be communicating individually or as teams to students and parents starting on Monday, March 16. Our educators and staff are eager to support your child through this process. For technology support, our D39 students, parents and staff may contact [email protected].
Spring Break Travel
The Centers for Disease Control has issued guidance regarding quarantining for anyone who has traveled to a high risk country. Presently, those include: China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea. Travelers returning from spring break trips to these countries would need to be in quarantine for 14 days (without symptoms) prior to returning to school. Such missed days would not be counted against student attendance and we would take steps to initiate remote learning opportunities for such students.
Please continue to monitor CDC guidance in this regard as the identification of high risk travel destinations may change quickly. The district cannot prevent students from returning to school unless they are confirmed to be in required quarantine, are symptomatic for COVID-19 or have tested positive for it. Still, please use all necessary caution when deciding to return to school after spring break travel.
Arrangements for Picking Up Items at School
Parents may make arrangements to pick up any stored or forgotten items at school on Friday only. School offices will be open on Friday, March 13 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please contact your school in advance to schedule a pick up time between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Friday.
Sports, Clubs, and Community Events
All sports practices, team gatherings, competitions, performances, clubs, in-person activities, and other events are canceled until further notice. We discourage students from organizing their own gatherings.
Communication with Families
We will continue to provide you with regular updates as this situation develops. For the latest information, please visit our website and monitor your email and phone for messages from the District.
Additionally, it is important for our students that we model measured behavior and rely on each other for support. Our students take their cues from the important adults in their lives and we can weather this challenging time together by refraining from alarmist or stress-inducing language in their presence. Please take a moment to review the following support resources:
This is an unprecedented and potentially stressful situation for our schools, families and our local and global community. We know there will be bumps in the road along the way, but together we will support our students and do what is best for them. I am proud to be part of a community with such a strong history of support for education. Thank you for your support, your patience, and your understanding as we navigate this situation together.
Your partner in education,
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D.
Wilmette Public Schools District 39