Dear District 39 Community,
These past few weeks have included several opportunities for parent discussion on a number of topics of importance to our community. We hosted the township-wide discussion on social media at the end of last month and last week, we held discussions on identities and how to foster resilience in children. Thank you to everyone who joined us for one or more of these parent sessions.
We also initiated our planning in earnest for the upcoming school year. We launched enrollment for our kindergarten and other new students within the district, and we are preparing to begin registration for our returning students. As we launch these important enrollment efforts, we are also beginning to plan for staffing in the upcoming school year.
Finally, taking a long-term look, we are eager to begin our strategic planning efforts as a district this spring. This work will help to guide our pursuit of excellence as a district over the next five years. We are excited to engage with our community around topics of continuous improvement and we look forward to hearing your input as we initiate this important planning process.
Below are this month’s updates, with a focus on many of these planning and improvement efforts. We always welcome feedback and suggestions. If you have any ideas to share, feel free to contact me at any time.
Returning Student Registration
With the launch of enrollment for kindergarten and new students, teachers and administrators now turn their attention to registration for our returning students.
We have moved the returning student registration window up from April to February to better support planning and staffing for the upcoming school year. This is especially important as enrollment projections and registration numbers inform our staffing assignments, section numbers and class rosters at each school. Please look forward to receiving an email next week containing registration instructions. Thank you in advance for your prompt registration of returning students. For more information on our D39 registration process, please visit our student registration webpage.
2020-2021 School Calendar Approved
The Wilmette Board of Education approved the 2020-2021 District 39 Calendar at its January meeting. We aligned next year’s calendar to the greatest extent possible with the New Trier High School holiday schedule as a convenience to our many families with high school-aged children. We look forward to welcoming you back to school next year on August 26, 2020.
Summer Program Offerings
District 39 proudly offers a wide variety of summer programs and activities for students in grades K-7 as part of our summer enrichment programming. I had a chance to visit with some of the students participating in the program this past summer and I was truly amazed by how engaged and excited they were to be in school in July! Our summer program offers something for students of all interests, from cooking, photography, academic enrichment and board games to flag football, jazz band and Minecraft.
Summer program registration opens on Feb. 17 and programming will be held from June 16 to July 17. Please visit the Summer Enrichment Program website for more information, including a full brochure with program offerings.
Parent Surveys
As we continuously strive to improve our programs and services, we value and benefit from feedback from our parent community. Throughout the year, there are several opportunities for parents to provide feedback to District 39 as we continue to improve our services to students, parents and our community as a whole. We invite our middle school parents to take this short report cards survey and we look forward to providing all families with an opportunity to take our Community Review Committee survey later this week.
Your partner in education,
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D.
Wilmette Public Schools District 39