Board Meeting Highlights - June 19, 2017
Complete Information Packet
Committee of the Whole – Frank Panzica reported - Strategy Committee
Strategy: CRC president Erin Stone reviewed the CRC report on school climate. Proposed strategic initiatives were discussed in the process of talking about next year’s CRC topic(s). Dr. Lechner talked about a community-wide survey in conjunction with the Village. Mr. DeMonte reported on the Chromebook pilot at Central School. The Strategy Committee has been added to the September 11th Committee of the Whole
School Finance: Committee agreed there was no need for a July meeting. The Bond Resolution on the Board agenda was discussed. Dr. Lechner reviewed current investment policies.
Facilities Development: Ms. Buscemi reviewed the life safety report from STR Architects.
School Finance and Facilities Development will meet as the Committee of the Whole on August 28th at 5:00 pm
Legislative Update Tracy Kearney
Governor called for a special legislative session to focus on a budget.
Written Communication
Announcements from the Superintendent
- Eighth Grade Graduation was held June 6th at New Trier’s Gates Gym. Next year’s tentative graduation date is June 12th, 2018.
- June 14th was the first day of the Summer Enrichment Program at Wilmette Junior High and Central Elementary School. 474 students are enrolled in one or more of 70 enrichment classes. A full report will be presented to the Board of Education in the Fall.
- D39 welcomes Elena Ryan as the new Romona/Harper Assistant Principal. Ms. Ryan comes from Glenview District 34, where she served as a Curriculum Coordinator. She also serves as Glenview’s Summer School Principal for grades 3-7. Ms. Ryan holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education from DePaul University and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Northeastern Illinois University.
- All official business for Fiscal Year 2017 is concluded and we can formally cancel the July Board meeting. The next meeting date is August 28th with a Budget Hearing at 7:00 p.m. and the Regular meeting immediately following.
Strategic Plan Updates
- CRC School Climate Report – CRC President Erin Stone
CRC recommendations include:
- Identify areas of difference that exist in the District’s student body and develop ways to promote how these differences can be respected and celebrated by students, parents, and teachers
- Review Second Step and research other programs that could support social-emotional learning.
- Assess whether any current classroom practices have the unintended effect of making children feel excluded.
- Engage and utilize student leadership to help support expectations and promote a positive school climate.
- Help parents understand why the District is promoting an improved school climate.
- Educate parents, teachers, and students to improve communication with respect to situations involving bullying and social conflict.
- Emphasize and prioritize the promotion of “Upstander behavior” in students.
- Review of 2016-2017 District 39 Strategic Plan
- New and Continuing Initiatives – Ms. Lee presented the second half of the Annual Strategic Plan update for 2017 including these updates: School Climate, Student School Day, Sustainability, and Learning Commons.
- School Attendance Update – Drs. Thrasher and Decristofaro presented the progress this year. The state will soon require student attendance data in School Report Cards.
- Statement of Inclusion – Dr. Lechner presented the draft of a Statement of Inclusion as a first read for the Board. Based on feedback, a second read will be presented in August. Once approved, the statement will be placed on the D39 website following the Mission Statement.
Annual Business
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
The following item was approved separately from the Consent Agenda.
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday,
August 28, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.