Board Meeting Highlights - May 22, 2017
Complete Information Packet
Board Assignment Reports
Committee of the Whole– Mark Steen reported – Facility Development and School Finance Committees met as Committee of the Whole. Elizabeth Hennessey from William Blair provided a finance overview. STR Architects gave a life safety update. Committee discussed the D39 FY18 Tentative Budget, including the budget resolutions, and WCSEA FY18 Tentative Budget. Phone system replacement was reviewed and there was an update on PTAB. Next meeting will also include Strategy Committee and is on June 5th at 8:00 am
Insurance Advisory – Lisa Schneider-Fabes reported - Issues related to insurance renewals were reviewed. There are no increases in dental, long term disability or COBRA for next year. Most discussion was focused on whether D39 should join a health insurance cooperative; the committee was very supportive of this idea.
Community Review Committee – Frank Panzica reported – Reports are being written based on last year’s guidelines. Committee noted that bullying can be triggered by issues that historically have not been considered to be significant; they are expanding their work to include this. Next meeting is June 5th at 7:00 pm. Final CRC report will be presented at Board of Education meeting on June 19th.
WCSEA – Ellen Sternweiler reported– Committee set meeting dates for 2017-18 and approved the FY18 Tentative budget.
Parent/Teacher Behavior Advisory – Lisa Schneider-Fabes reported – Current policies were reviewed and all were found acceptable.
Legislative Update - Tracy Kearney
Comprehensive state budget is still in discussion along with other reform measures. Debate continues over funding reform bills and new funding formulas. Property tax freeze is still on the table, but recent bill was defeated in the Senate. Mandate relief is still a possibility, but there is no agreement on details. There are eight days left in legislative session. SB 16, which includes pension reform, has passed the Senate, but no further developments.
Information items
Written Communication
Announcements from the Superintendent
- Student achievements in Special Olympics, chess, and writing were highlighted.
- Dana Nasiakos was welcomed as the new part-time Assistant Principal at Central Elementary School.
- Two statements were read and posted following the meeting
Strategic Plan Updates
- CRC Audit Report – CRC President Erin Stone and Past President Matthew Pietrafetta – This is first half of the annual CRC report. The improved report template and the practice of regularly auditing CRC reports will serve future CRCs and the District well.
- Review of 2016-2017 District 39 Strategic Plan: Annual Business – Ms. Lee - The 2016-17 strategic plan is divided into three sections: New Initiatives, Continuing Initiatives, and Annual Business. In January/February, mid-year updates were presented. This report begins the annual end of year reviews and will focus on Annual Business. The status of each goal and/or outcomes to date are reported with any applicable next steps.
Annual Business
- Cooperative 90’s Health Plan Agreement – Dr. Glowacki - On May 16th, Cooperative 90’s invited the District to participate in their health insurance benefits cooperative. This was reviewed by the Insurance Advisory Committee, and is ready for Board approval. It is expected that the District and most (if not all) employees will realize savings. Overall, Cooperative 90’s offers more insurance options, better benefits, and competitive prices.
- Phone System Replacement – Mr. Demonte – The District’s aging phone system is in need of replacement. After a process of vetting phone systems, the recommendation is that CCC Technologies be approved for the project.
- FY18 District 39 Tentative Budget – Ms. Buscemi - In accordance with Truth in Taxation Statues, the Board approves a tentative budget for public display, at least 30 days prior to adoption. The notice of a public hearing for the final budget will be published on May 25th.
Board Action
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
The following item was pulled from the Consent Agenda and approved separately.
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday,
June 19, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.