Board Meeting Highlights - April 25, 2017
Complete Information Packet
- Committee of the Whole - Facility Development, School Finance, Strategy - Alice Schaff reported – Reviewed bids for summer construction. Space study at Highcrest is underway. Discussed phone bids, technology vision, and Chromebook pilot. Focused on K-4 access to technology and specific options for 4th grade. Discussed digital citizenship. Reviewed Learning Commons - have looked at usage and now want to see how they are enhancing learning. Discussed strategic initiatives, including the Inclusivity Statement draft. Talked about related arts offerings for grades 5-8 and instrumental music. Next meeting will again be the Committee of the Whole on June 5th at 8:00 am.
- CRC – Alice Schaff reported –The two subcommittees related to Culture of Empathy discussed their progress including the recent survey of parents. The final report will be presented at the June 5th Committee of the Whole meeting and to the full Board at the June 19th Board of Education meeting.
- Educational Foundation – Alice Schaff reported –Planning for the 10 Every Day Heroes event on Thursday was the highlight. Next meeting is May 17th at 7:00 pm
- Parent/Teacher Behavior Advisory Committee – First meeting will be on May 2nd at 8:00 am
Legislative Update
Debate continues on the state’s education funding formula. The lack of a state budget is also a concern. HB4003 was introduced. It provides that a public body may deny a FOIA request if it is made for a commercial purpose, by the same person for the same records previously provided, or less than 6 months after the previous request. District 39 was instrumental in moving this bill forward. The Federal education budget has not been approved, but there has been agreement on some proposed cuts that will reduce D39 funding by about $46,000.
Written Communication
Annual Business
Summer Construction
- Summer 2017 Construction Project Bids – Dr. Lechner – After review at the Committee of the Whole meeting, bids for the large space HVAC and learning commons projects at McKenzie and Romona are ready for approval. The recommendation includes approval for the 16 unit-vent replacement at Romona. All work will start in June and be completed in August, before the beginning of the school year.
- Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement – Dr. Lechner - The Board is asked to approve membership in a purchasing cooperative that provides governmental units’ procurement resources. Registering in U.S. Communities allows school districts an advantage of securing a manufacturer while utilizing competitively bid pricing.
- Trane Summer 2017 Construction Contract – Dr. Lechner - This contract provides a 16 unit-vent replacement at Romona Elementary School through Trane. This HVAC project is supported by the Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement.
Fiscal 2018 Operating Funds Tentative Budget – Ms. Buscemi - The Tentative Operating Funds budget was reviewed at the Committee of the Whole meeting. These funds represent 97% of the D39 budget. FY18 budgeted revenue for the Operating Funds is projected to be $71,566,602, which is a 2.7% increase over the prior year’s budget. The FY18 budgeted Operating Funds expenditures are estimated at $74,819,892, which is an increase of 7.4% from the FY17 budget. A projected operating funds deficit of ($3,253,290) is due to planned construction projects of $4.1M for FY18.
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
- Personnel Report dated April 25, 2017
- Non-Reemployment of Part-Time/Part-Year Support Personnel Employees
- Summer 2017 Construction Projects Bid
- Trane Summer 2017 Construction Contract
- Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement
- IDOT Serious Safety Hazard Finding Application
- Release to the Public the Executive Session Minutes of September 28, 2015; October 26, 2015; December 14, 2015; January 25, 2016; February 22, 2016; March 14, 2016; April 25, 2016; May 23, 2016; June 6, 2016; June 27, 2016; August 29, 2016; September 26, 2016; October 24, 2016; November 14, 2016
- Dispose of Executive Session Audio Recordings for December 15, 2014; February 23, 2015; March 23, 2015
Pulled from consent agenda and approved separately:
Residential (No. 1704-01) Property Tax Assessment Appeal Resolution
Outgoing Board Members Recognized
Kimberly Alcantara, John Flanagin, and Cindy Levine were recognized for their eight-year tenure on the D39 Board of Education. Each was presented with a piece of framed artwork created by a Romona second grade student. These pieces will hang at the MEC.
- Newly elected Board members Jon Cesaretti, Lisa Schneider-Fabes, Mark Steen, and Ellen Sternweiler were sworn in.
- Board officers were elected: Mark Steen as president and Frank Panzica as vice president
Announcements from the Superintendent
- Annual Student Registration - District's 39 registration process is underway for the 2017-18 school year. Parents were sent log in information and instructions on April 4th.
- Board Policy Approval - Each newly seated Board of Education needs to approve the D39 Policy manual. This reaffirms, to the community, the establishment of policy that governs District 39. This will be voted on later in the evening.
Strategic Plan Update
- One Campus. Connected Community. – Mrs. Jackson - Across the 5-8 campus, administration has been working with staff to develop more consistency in cross-campus programs and practices.
- School Attendance Data – Revised – Dr. Thrasher and Dr. DeCristoforo - During the 2014-15 school year, District 39 identified concerns about attendance patterns and started taking steps to increase rates of positive attendance. District 39’s attendance efforts coincide with the State of Illinois’ plan, under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), for using chronic absenteeism and attendance as indicators for measuring school success.
Annual Business
- Enrollment Projections – Dr. Glowacki - This is an annual report given each spring about anticipated enrollment and staffing needs for the 2017-18 school year.
- 2017-18 Board Calendar – Dr. Lechner - The Board needs to approve its calendar of meetings for the coming year.
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday,
May 22, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.