Board Meeting Highlights
February 24, 2020
Complete Meeting Packet
Board Reports
1. Facilities Development Committee – Mrs. Sternweiler noted that the Facilities Development Committee met along with other committees as part of the Board’s Committee of the Whole Meeting on Feb. 10. The Finance Committee reviewed bids for upcoming summer construction projects at Central Elementary School, noting that the bids came in under the initial estimates. The Committee also received to a presentation on the Highcrest Garden Planning Process, including high level cost estimates and design ideas generated by students, staff and garden planning committee members. The Board provided support for moving forward with a phase-in approach while examining additional funding for items marked “TBD.” During the meeting, the Board also reviewed the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Wilmette and provided the Administration with additional suggested revisions and tabled taking action to approve these agreements until the March Committee of the Whole Meeting, pending additional review.
During the meeting, the Board received an update on the Romona PTA Playground Committee’s fundraising efforts. Should the Playground Committee reach their fundraising goal, the Board will contribute approximately $30,000 toward new playgrounds at Romona. Board and committee members anticipate having the playgrounds completed by the summer of 2021.
2. Finance Committee – Mr. Cesaretti noted that the Board completed the expenditure review process that began in FY17-18 and concluded the District is being managed in a fiscally responsible manner. The Board and Administration are developing financial benchmarking metrics that will be used to compare district performance against historical figures and neighboring districts while improving transparency and communication by sharing the metrics with the community. Improvements have also been made to the financial dashboard, providing additional dynamic data, metrics and information.
3. Strategy Committee – Mr. Steen noted that the Strategy Committee reviewed a proposal from the firm recommended to conduct the District’s special education and RtI evaluation. The Committee also reviewed strategic plan consultant proposals. After listening to presentations, discussing the process and expertise of each firm and evaluating the proposals, Board members provided Dr. Cremascoli with feedback, which was used to conduct additional research and select the finalist. Dr. Cremascoli recommended the Board approve the Consortium for Educational Change, CEC, as the finalist consultant.
4. Liaison Updates – Dr. Cremascoli noted that the Community Review Committee reviewed preliminary data gathered from neighboring feeder school districts on community engagement practices and perceptions. The Committee discussed questions to be asked on a survey to parents on their topic of study for the year: Strengthening Partnerships Between Parents and Schools. Ms. Stone noted that the D39 Ed Foundation met recently to discuss fundraisers and Gripp Grant proposals, which will be voted on at the next meeting. Mrs. Sternweiler noted that IASB’s North Cook Division will hold a dinner meeting on March 18 that will include a presentation entitled, “Moving Illinois Toward Fiscal Sustainability.” Mrs. Poehling noted that the Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed expected insurance premium increases and changes the District’s insurance cooperative has considered to lessen the projected rate increases. Ms. Stone briefly reviewed several bills proposed by Illinois legislature that may have an impact on schools.
Informational Items
1. Library Partnerships – Mr. DeMonte noted that District 39 has partnered with Wilmette and Glenview public libraries to streamline the library card registration process for families. During registration, families will be given the opportunity to provide information that will be used to generate a library card. With explicit permission from families, District 39 will be able to share the information with local libraries which they will use for the purposes of creating a library card for students.
2. School Registration for 2020-2021 School Year – Dr. Cremascoli noted that the returning student registration window has moved up this year, from April to February, in order to better support planning and staffing for the upcoming school year. Families have received an email with registration instructions and are encouraged to submit registration promptly. Additional information regarding the district’s registration process is available on the registration webpage.
3. Summer Enrichment Program – Dr. Cremascoli announced that registration for District 39’s Summer Enrichment Program is open. District 39 proudly offers a wide variety of summer programs and activities for students in grades K-7 as part of summer enrichment programming. SEP features programs for students of all interests, from cooking, photography, academic enrichment and board games to flag football, jazz band and Minecraft. Summer program registration opened on Feb. 17 and programming will be held from June 16 to July 17. For more information, please view the course catalog and registration page located on the SEP website.
4. Special Education and Response to Intervention (RtI) Evaluation – Dr. Cremascoli noted the District has selected Atlantic Research Partners to assist with a comprehensive review of District special education and response to intervention systems, services and procedures.
5. Intergovernmental Agreements with the Village of Wilmette – The Board discussed two intergovernmental agreements with the Village of Wilmette related to Stormwater management projects of the Village proposed for the Community Playfields. Board members provided additional feedback and concerns with the language of the agreements to Dr. Cremascoli and decided to table the vote on the contract until March 9.
6. 2019-2020 Strategic Plan Updates – Ms. Lee and members of the District 39 Administration presented progress updates on continuing strategic initiatives. The Strategic Plan Updates memorandum contains a detailed summary of progress on SY19-20 strategic initiatives.
7. Strategic Planning Consultants – Dr. Cremascoli recommended that the District partner with the Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) to assist in the facilitation of the District’s strategic plan review. The CEC will help District 39 examine its strengths and opportunities as well as define vision and goals for the next several years through a multi-year plan. Dr. Cremascoli noted excitement for the CEC’s approach to in-depth data review and a strategic approach to evaluating opportunities to support ongoing excellence as well as continuous improvement. She also noted that stakeholder feedback is crucial to this process and input from staff, parents, students and community members will be gathered and incorporated into the plan. The strategic planning process will begin this year with completion targeted no later than September 2020.
8. Summer 2020 Central Construction Project Bids – Mrs. Crispino reviewed construction bids related to kindergarten enrichment and large space air conditioning at Central Elementary School.
9. Board Policy Review – The Board conducted a second and final reading of Board of Education Policies 4:190, 5:50, 5:220, 5:230, 5:245, 5:260, 5:270, 5:285, 5:290, 5:310, 7:290.
Action Items
1. Consent Agenda – The Consent Agenda was approved including the following items:
Approve the Personnel Report
Approve the Summer 2020 Central Construction Project Bids
Approve the Contract with Atlantic Research Partners for Special Education
Approve the Contract with Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) for Strategic Planning Consultant Services
Approve as Second and Final Reading Board of Education Policies 4:190, 5:50, 5:220, 5:230, 5:245, 5:260, 5:270, 5:285, 5:290, 5:310, 7:290
Approve the Accounts Payable for February 2020
Approve the Monthly Checks for February 2020
Conference Items
1. Old Business – None
2. New Business – None
3. Good and Welfare – Ms. Stone thanked teachers and staff for the hard work and care they put into educating children and making sure they come to school happy each day.
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 16, 2020 in the Mikaelian Education Center.