Board Meeting Highlights
September 23, 2019
Complete Meeting Packet
Board Reports
Facility Development Committee – Mrs. Sternweiler reported that the Facility Development Committee reviewed the construction timeline for upcoming District construction projects in context of how the timeline relates to anticipated Village stormwater projects. Highcrest Phase III and WJHS second story air conditioning projects must be coordinated with consideration of these other major projects. Kindergarten classroom construction projects at Harper and Central Elementary Schools are scheduled to be completed on time in order for both schools to offer Kindergarten Enrichment in the Fall of 2020. The Administration also discussed the feasibility of completing Kindergarten Enrichment construction at Romona and McKenzie schools in time to begin the program during the 2021-2022 school year.
School Finance Committee – Mr. Cesaretti reported that the School Finance Committee discussed adjustments to District financial statements based on audit data used to replace pre-audit information contained within reports.
Strategy Committee – Mr. Steen reported that the Strategy Committee reviewed the final draft of the 2019-2020 Strategic Plan and provided the Administration with feedback.
Liaison Updates – Ms. Stone noted that the CRC held their introductory meeting and began discussions on their focus of study for the year: building better partnerships with parents. The Ed Foundation held their first meeting of the year to discuss upcoming fundraisers. The Board expects to review resolutions in advance of the annual Triple I conference which will take place on Nov. 22-23.
Legislative Update – Mrs. Sternweiler provided the board with an update on new or pending laws that could impact the District. Topics discussed included student police questioning practices, the development of threat assessment teams, student placement through RTI and student instruction on consent through heath classes.
Informational Items
PASS39 Ice Cream Social – Dr. Kari Cremascoli reported that District 39’s Parent Association for Student Services (PASS39) met last week for its first meeting of the year and an informal ice cream social. The next event will take place on Oct. 2; more information is available on the PASS39 website.
Student Academic Assessment – Dr. Cremascoli noted that fall MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessment window closed last week. An overview of the District IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) and MAP data will be provided to the Board in October during the Committee of the Whole meeting.
Freedom of Information Act Requests – The District received several FOIA requests as listed on the agenda.
Strategic Plan Update – The Administration submitted a detailed report outlining new and continuing initiatives as well as annual business for Board of Education approval. The District is excited to be focusing this year on Student Growth through Differentiation and Personalization, School Culture and Community, and Effective Integration of Technology. In addition, the District will continue work in the areas of school safety, kindergarten enrichment planning, Science curricula review, school nutrition, flexible learning environments, standards-based learning, and sustainability planning.
Summer Enrichment Program 2019 – Administrator for Student Services Dr. Kristin Swanson discussed her report on the 2019 Summer Enrichment Program, including enrollment figures and program offerings.
Board Policy Review – Dr. Cremascoli noted that several board policies in the 500 series (related to personnel practices and standards) will be considered by the Board for a second and final reading during the meeting. The policies, which were last reviewed in 2015, have been reviewed by the Board and legal counsel.
Action Items
Consent Agenda – The Consent Agenda was approved including the following items:
Approval of the Personnel Report
Approval of the 2019-2020 Strategic Plan
Approval of Second and Final Reading of Board of Education Policies 5:10, 5:20, 5:30, 5:35, 5:40, 5:60, 5:70, 5:80, 5:90 and 5:100
• Approval of bills for payment including
Accounts Payable from August to September 2019 and
Manual Checks from August to September 2019
Conference Items
Old Business -- None
News Business – None
Good and Welfare -- None
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be at 7 p.m. on Monday, October 28, 2019 in the Mikaelian Education Center.