Board Meeting Highlights - November 2015
Below are highlights from the District 39 Board of Education meeting on November 16, 2015.
Board Committee Reports
- School Finance – John Flanagin reported. The committee discussed the 2015 audit, student fees, construction costs, technology infrastructure improvements, and the 2015 levy. Five-year projections were discussed, assuming a property tax freeze for two years starting in 2017. Next meeting is December 7th at 8:00 am.
- WCSEA – Tracy Kearney reported. Committee reviewed the annual financial report, which will be submitted to ISBE, and discussed the summer enrichment program and the sharing of resources. Next meeting is March 14, 2016.
- Board Retreat – Alice Schaff reported. Retreat provided opportunity for self-reflection. Barbara Toney from IASB moderated. Discussion focused on how the Board functions and how it can do a better job. One immediate change is the slightly revised format for the Board meeting agenda.
Written Communication
Announcement from the Superintendent
- Illinois School Report Cards have been received and are posted on the District’s website. PARCC data are not yet included, but will be added when released by ISBE.
FOIA Requests
Information items
Strategic Plan Updates
- Mrs. Horowitz and Ms. Lee - Technology Applications (Coding) Class - This report follows up on the District’s plan to embed coding into curricular offerings.
- Mrs. Littmann, Dr. Kick, Dr. Welter, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Jackson – 2014-15 School Improvement Plan Updates – Building principals and assistant principals reported on accomplishments of their 2014-15 plans. The Strategic Plan has a new format for 2015-16, so respective school plans will be presented in December.
- Dr. Glowacki – 2016-2017 Schedule Planning – Report looked at student scheduling, which has been a strategic initiative for the past two years.
Annual Business
- Ms. Buscemi and Scott Duenser of Klein Hall CPAs, of Aurora, Illinois – Fiscal Year 2015 Financial Audit – For the 14th year in a row, District 39 has earned the highest rating for financial stability - Financial Recognition. The financial records are in compliance with standard accounting practices. The only notable change in the Audit is the way the District reports the State’s pension obligation.
- Dr. Thrasher – 2015 Fall Assessment Report Follow up – The report addressed questions posed at the October Board meeting including achievement levels in math and gender comparisons.
- Dr. Lechner – Long Term Enrollment Projections – The District’s move-in rate continues to be strong and overall enrollment is stable.
- Ms. Buscemi – 2016-17 Draft Student Fees - After review by the School Finance Committee the recommendation is to keep fees constant except for a 5th grade technology fee. The District’s 1:1 program moves into 5th grade for the fall of 2016 and the proposed fee is the same as in 6th grade.
Board Action
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
- Personnel Report dated November 16, 2015
- Fiscal Year 2015 Audit
- Second and Final Reading Revised Board Of Education Policies 2:20; 2:30; 2:40; and 2:70
- First Reading Revised Board of Education Policies 2:80; 2:100; and 2:120
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday,
December 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.