Board Meeting Highlights
Complete meeting packet
- School Finance – Frank Panzica reported- Committee discussed a deeper dive into the operating funds. Next it will look at offsetting fees and revenues. The District began using the Forecast5 software package, which is capable of generating reports on detailed line items, including comparisons to other districts. Mrs. Crispino prepared several reports to show the level of detail available. The committee found this tool very valuable. Next meeting is Monday, April 15th at 8:00 am
- Facilities Development – Alice Schaff reported – Bids for the construction for Kindergarten Enrichment at Harper will be opened on April 4th and voted on at the April Board of Education meeting. Large space air conditioning was reviewed; the administration will present additional information for the next committee meeting. District construction timing and priorities were reviewed for the next two years. Next meeting is Tuesday, April 23rd at 6:00 pm before the Board of Education meeting.
- Strategy – Alice Schaff reported – Board members reviewed work from the February meeting to refine ideas for developing a strategic plan with the new superintendent.
- Wilmette Community Special Education Agreement - Ellen Sternweiler reported – WCSEA approved the draft Fiscal Year 2020 budget and budget calendar, as well as projected expenditures and costs. Next meeting is Monday, May 20th at 4:00 pm.
- ED-Red – Ellen Sternweiler reported – Districts received a call to action to contact members of the Senate Education Committee to ask for a no vote on Senate Bill 1189 – Physical Education bill. This is significant to D39 because of the mandated 45 minutes of PE – PE in D39 is 40 minutes per day at the upper grades. Changing this would require a schedule change. Most other districts also disagree with the mandate.
Legislative Update – Tracy Kearney – The five clock hour school day was deleted in favor of more outcome based philosophy; Senate Bill 28 would revert back to defining a school day based on a five hour minimum. Minimum teacher salary is being looked at again with two bills pending - Senate Bill 10 and House Bill 2078; they would create a minimum teacher salary of $40,000 phased in over four years to 2023-2024. Discussion is starting regarding the forced consolidation of local governments including school districts.
Announcements from the Superintendent
Go Green Wilmette
The annual Go Green Wilmette environmental fair was held at Michigan Shores on Sunday, March 10th. This year’s theme was “Waste Not, Want Not,” and all District 39 schools were represented. D39 Green Teams, along with teachers, administrators, and parents displayed a mini-composting station, engaged attendees in making tote bags out of t-shirts, and showcased District 39’s sustainability efforts.
Strategic Plan Updates
- 2018-2019 Strategic Plan Updates: New Initiatives - Ms. Lee - On September 24, 2018, the Board of Education approved the implementation of the 2018-2019 District 39 Strategic Plan. This executive summary report provides a mid-year update on two New Initiatives: School Nutrition and Differentiated Instruction.
Annual Business
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
- Personnel Report dated March 18, 2019
- Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Dismissal of Teachers
- Approve as First Reading Board of Education Policies 4:63, 4:70, 4:80, 4:90, 4:95, 4:100, 4:110, 4:115, 4:130, and 4:140
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.