Board Meeting Highlights
September 24, 2018
Complete Meeting Packet
Dr. Lechner read a statement regarding safety and security in D39
- School Finance – Frank Panzica reported – Committee talked about fund balance reserve levels and asked for additional data for next meeting. Next meeting October 15th at 8:00 am
- Facilities Development – Alice Schaff reported – There were two main topics: 1)Kindergarten Enrichment – STR gave an update on refinements planned for Phase 1 at Harper and Central. Harper requires an addition and work will begin in June 2019. The work at Central is renovation and it will begin later. Kindergarten Enrichment would begin to be offered in 2020-2021. 2) Highcrest Phase 2 – Learning Commons and special education classrooms. This plan will continue to be refined. Next meeting October 15th at 8:00 am
- CRC – Dr. Lechner reported – Committee used the time to get to know new members. Topic for the year is K-4 mobile learning. The two subcommittees committees are research and school visits. Next meeting October 1st at 7:00 PM
- Educational Foundation – Dr. Lechner reported - The Ed Foundation had its first meeting last Thursday.The fall GRIPP Grant season has begun and teachers are writing proposals. The Foundation has formed a new Corporate Sponsorship Committee that is developing a corporate match program. Two social events are coming up: this Thursday is the Taste of Wilmette, and it is not too late to sign up for a fun evening of some local food and beverages; Thursday, November 7th is the annual fashion show, which has changed a bit- it is still at Michigan Shores, but is now an evening party. Next meeting October 17th at 7:00 PM
- Superintendent Search Update – Lisa Schneider-Fabes – The search process was reviewed. The new superintendent profile will guide the process. A survey has been posted and has over 300 responses. Focus groups are being held, with the last one on October 3rd being a community forum open to all at 7:00 PM at WJHS. There are more than 30 applicants so far. The search firm will share the profile in a report at the October 22nd Board meeting.
Written Communication
Announcements from the Superintendent
Wolf Den/Hawk Nest - The Highcrest Hawk Nest and the WJHS Wolf Den after-school programming opened on September 4th. At HMS, about 20 students are attending on average, and at WJHS about 10 students. Students play games, work on homework, and enjoy time in the Learning Commons. This after school programming is available to all students as long as they are registered.
Strategic Plan Updates
- 2018-19 District 39 Strategic Plan – Ms. Lee - This report is District 39’s Strategic Plan for 2018-2019 outlining new and continuing initiatives for Board of Education approval. The two new initiatives are School Nutrition and Differentiated Instruction. The District continues its work regarding Kindergarten Enrichment, Personalized Learning, School Climate, Student Growth, School Attendance, and Learning Commons.
Annual Business
- Summer Enrichment Program – Dr. DeCristofaro - District 39's Summer Enrichment Program provided opportunities at Wilmette Junior High and Romona Elementary School. Summer offerings included enrichment classes, academic camps, BASIC classes in reading and math, and extended school year services for students qualifying through an IEP. Fiscally, the program continues to remain self-sufficient.
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday,
October 22, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.