Board Meeting Highlights
August 27, 2018
Complete meeting packet
Dr. Lechner opened the budget hearing. The Board approved the FY19 tentative budget at its May 21 meeting. At the public hearing, Ellen Crispino provided another budget overview, highlighting any changes recommended since May. After Board approval, the new budget is submitted to the Regional Office of Education and State Board of Education. Mrs. Crispino presented the District 39 Budget.
District 39 continues to serve as the fiscal agent for the Wilmette Community Special Education Agreement (WCSEA). The WCSEA provides a special education financial umbrella for D39 and Avoca School District 37. The Illinois State Board of Education requires WCSEA to follow the same Illinois State budget guidelines that are required of District 39 and all other Illinois school districts. Mrs. Crispino presented the WCSEA Budget.
The administration is requesting a permanent inter-fund transfer of $750,000 from the Educational Fund to the Operations and Maintenance Fund. This transfer is to pay for construction projects.
Board Assignment Reports
• School Finance – Frank Panzica reported. Committee talked about expenditure reviews to date and this year’s budgets. The decision was made to look for an outside firm to review expenditures and to do a deeper dive into reserve levels. Next meeting is Sept 17th at 8:00 am.
• Facilities Development – Alice Schaff reported. Three topics were discussed: 1) Summer construction at HMS – Projects are on schedule and under budget. The office addition puts a double buzz system in place. The four-classroom addition should be ready in December. 2) Kindergarten Enrichment – STR provided updates on work done over the summer. A two phase construction project is planned. Work would happen first at Central and Harper, with Kindergarten Enrichment being offered in these two buildings in 2020-2021. Cost estimates will be provided next month and construction would begin in 2019 – either summer or fall. 3) HMS phase 2 will begin next summer and will include the learning commons. Next meeting is on Sept 17th at 8:00 am.
• Strategy – Alice Schaff reported – discussed proposed Strategic Plan for 2018-19, presented in detail tonight. Next meeting Jan 14th at 8:00 am. 2019
• Legislative Update - Tracy Kearney reported. Governor Rauner vetoed a bill that would have set a minimum teacher salary of $40,000 by 2023; this may be taken up again in the fall. The Governor also vetoed a bill that would have set a standard for Physical Education. He signed SB 2428, which allows students to accumulate a minimum lunch debt of $500 before districts would go through a state reimbursement and withholding process.
Written Communication
Announcements from the Superintendent
Opening Days - District 39 welcomed all new teachers for New Teacher Orientation on Monday, August 20th through Thursday, Aug. 23rd. Orientation topics ranged from professional expectations to District curriculum to student and school safety. Paraprofessional Training Day was held Monday with topics that included CPR training, technology integration, supporting students in classrooms, and much more. On Wednesday, August 29th, all staff are welcomed to our district-wide Institute Day. We are looking forward to welcoming students back!
Summer Construction – This summer Highcrest Middle School improvements include a new secure entrance, offices, and lounge. Highcrest was the final school to receive the secure “double buzz” entry. Additionally, Highcrest has a four-classroom addition underway that will be completed in December. This addition will be a significant space improvement designed to ease overcrowding.
HMS report cards - District 39 will “pause” the recommended report card changes for the 2018-2019 school year. The "pause" will allow administration to better involve parents and students in this process. For the 2018-2019 school year, D39 will maintain the traditional grades (A, B, C), while providing additional descriptions of grade level academic standards. To that end, parent and staff focus groups will be formed, and parent information nights are being scheduled, which will include the participation of experts in the field.
Strategic Plan Updates
• Response to the Community Review Committee (CRC) Report CRC – Dr. Lechner - This report is the Superintendent’s response to the CRC Report, “Differentiation and Personalized Learning," which was presented to the Board of Education in June 2018. The recommendations will be embedded into the 2018-2019 Strategic Plan under Differentiated Instruction and Personalized Learning as appropriate. The full plan will be presented to the Board of Education in September.
Annual Business
• Enrollment Update - Dr. Glowacki - Since the April Board report on enrollment, an afternoon kindergarten class and a first grade class have been added at Romona. These additions were due to enrollment surpassing class guidelines at those grade levels. However, across D39, the number of overall “homeroom” full-time staff has reduced by 4 since the 2017-2018 school year, reflecting a slight decline in overall enrollment.
• FY18 Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report (ATSB) – Dr. Glowacki – This annual requirement details salary and benefits information for teachers and administrators. This information is required to be posted on the District website after the Board meeting.
• School Security Update – Mr. DeMonte - Ensuring the safety and security of our schools, students, and staff continues to be a primary goal. Given school violence during the 2017-18 school year, District 39 conducted a thorough review of existing safety procedures and developed phased plans for improving safety in our schools.
• SSU Letters of Agreement - Dr. Lechner - There are two proposed Letters of Agreement (LOA) with the Support Staff Union (SSU). LOA#1 is a result of the Janus Supreme Court case. LOA #2 proposes a stipend for staff members who volunteer to supervise students at evening events.
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
• Personnel Report dated August 27, 2018
• Annual Review of Serious Safety Hazard Findings
• SSU Letters of Agreement
• First Reading Revised Board of Education Policies 6:135 and 3:40; Revised Policies 3:10, 3:50 and 3:80
The following were adopted:
• FY19 District 39 Annual Budget
• FY19 WCSEA Annual Budget
• Resolution Authorizing a Permanent Interfund Transfer
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday,
September 24, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.