Board Meeting Highlights
Complete information packet
- School Finance – Frank Panzica reported – Kindergarten Enrichment was discussed, specifically how to spread out costs to avoid a drop in reserves and how to be sure there are adequate evaluation points as this program is implemented. Student fees for jazz band as an after school program and for new D39 after school activities to replace what Youth Connection had provided were discussed. There was a review of property tax appeals since 2007 and a finding that rules have been applied consistently with net savings for the District. Review of expenditures continued with Student Services; the next meeting in August will include a decision on which categories to review first next year with the goal of covering all areas over the next year. Next meeting is Monday, August 20, 2018 at 8:00 am.
- Facilities Development – Alice Schaff reported – Committee discussed Phase 2 of Highcrest construction, which will include building the learning commons and upgrades to special education classrooms. The idea of using some of the existing garden for the learning commons space was reviewed. Details will be refined over the summer and cost estimates will come August. Kindergarten Enrichment was a second topic. After research, modular classrooms are no longer an option. Tonight’s report will include a recommendation for a two-phased construction process. Next meeting is Monday, August 20, 2018 at 8:00 am.
- Strategy – Alice Schaff reported – The two topics discussed will be reported on tonight: CRC’s 2018-19 topic and the 2017-18 Strategic Plan review. Next meeting is on Monday, August 27, 2018 before theBoard of Board of Education meeting at 5:30 pm. .
- Community Review Committee – Ellen Sternweiler reported – Dr. Lechner gave updates on Highcrest construction and Kindergarten Enrichment. CRC’s final report will be tonight. New officers were elected – Maggie O’Brien as president and Stephanie Donovan as vice president.K-4 mobile learning was chosen as next year’s topic. Next meeting is Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 7:00 pm..
Tracy Kearney reported. House and Senate agreed to budget, which the Governor signed. The important points for education include: an appropriations bill increasing the funding formula for elementary and secondary education by $350 million – of this, $50 million is earmarked for property tax relief fund; $50 million increase for early childhood education; reduction in end of career retirement salary increases under TRS to 3%; and optional buyout provisions for some TRS members. Other bills that passed mandate statewide teacher salary increases and address teacher shortages.
Written Communication
Announcements from the Superintendent
- Eighth Grade Graduation - Eighth-grade graduation was held on June 12th at New Trier’s Gates Gym. It was an incredible celebration as 444 students proudly move to high school. For next year, we have a tentative graduation date already set for Tuesday, June 11, 2019.
- July Board Meeting - All official business has been concluded and a July Board of Education meeting is not needed. The next meeting is on August 27th with a Budget Hearing at 7 PM and the regular meeting to follow.
- SSU Letter Agreement - The technology stipends listed in the Support Staff Union contract no longer meet the needs of District 39. The stipends have been revised to reflect current staff usage. These changes were previously reviewed by the Board and are ready for approval.
- CRC Members-at-Large – Per the CRC bylaws, the Board approves the members-at-large. For next year’s CRC, the board is asked to approve Beth Alpert, Allison Buonamici, and Erin Stone
Strategic Plan Updates
- CRC Report– Dr. Meg Kahdemanm, CRC president, presented the report – Differentiation and Personalized Learning.
- Kindergarten Enrichment – Ms. Lee and Ms. Buscemi - After a year of review, the administration is recommending a phased school construction project for Kindergarten Enrichment.Katie Lee and Gail Buscemi have this report.
- Review of the 2017-2018 District 39 Strategic Plan – Ms. Lee - This is the annual end-of-year report detailing the status of each goal along with a summary update and any applicable next steps.
Annual Business
- Fiscal Year 2019 Select Student Fees – Ms. Buscemi –
- HMS/WJHS After-School Programming - With the end of Youth Connection, the District is maintaining after-school drop in programs for students in grades 5-8 beginning next fall, and the names are called Highcrest Hawk Nest and WJHS Wolf Den. This drop-in program will cost $4.00 a day. Funds are available for students needing financial support.
- Jazz Ensemble - Next school year Jazz Ensemble will be offered as an extra-curricular program after-school for 7th & 8th grades.This program will offer 29 after-school rehearsals for a fee of $125 per student.
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Monday, August 27, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.